Do I need a Legal Will?


We believe protecting your rights is of the utmost importance – through all facets of your life, business, career, family and relationships. 

Planning for when you are no longer around or no longer able to make decisions for yourself is no exception.  If you have any family who you want to look after, a business to keep running, a house to sell, you need a legal Will.  You may also want other estate planning tools in place if want to appoint someone to be able to make medical, lifestyle and financial decisions for you when you are no longer able to yourself. There are of course many more variable to consider, these are simply some examples.

At the very least, even if you are choosing not to have a legal Will or other protective documents put in place, you should make sure that you are adequately informed about what that will mean for you, your estate, and understand what will happen if you lose capacity during your lifetime and are unable to make further legal decisions for yourself.  Knowledge is power.

Using this quiz may highlight some unconsidered factors that may have implications on your estate.  It is not intended to be legal advice, but may provide some thought provoking considerations for your further research, or perhaps raise something you may want to discuss with our lawyers.

At the end hit the SUBMIT button and we will get in touch with you to discuss your quiz outcomes.

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